Error Code E07: Controller Fault

Error Code E07: Controller Fault Diagnosis and Resolution


Error Code E07 indicates a controller fault in your heating system. This guide outlines the common causes and provides steps for diagnosing and resolving the E07 error. Controller issues often arise from compatibility concerns, incorrect installations, or faults in the wiring.

Compatibility Check:

The most common cause of the E07 error is an incompatible controller. Ensure that your controller is compatible with your specific heating system. Upgrading to a non-compatible controller or receiving the wrong controller from your supplier can trigger this fault.

Uncommon Controllers:

If you possess an uncommon controller without readily available video tutorials on platforms like YouTube, compatibility may be a challenge. Some controllers may not work seamlessly with certain motherboards. In such cases, consider the necessity of changing both the controller and the motherboard for optimal compatibility.

Changing Controllers:

If you decide to change your controller, be aware that it may require a corresponding change in the motherboard. Although this is a straightforward process, it is crucial to match the controller and motherboard specifications for seamless integration.

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Random E07 Fault Occurrence:

If you randomly encounter an E07 fault without replacing the controller, it could stem from issues with the controller, motherboard, or wiring loom. Focus on troubleshooting the blue cable that runs from the controller through the wiring loom into the motherboard, as it is often the primary source of faults.

Diagnostic Approach:

When facing an E07 fault, start your diagnosis with the controller, then the motherboard, and finally the wiring loom. The blue cable is a common culprit, and thorough inspection can help identify the section with the fault.

Cost Consideration:

Replacing the controller, wiring loom, and motherboard can be expensive. Evaluate the overall cost and consider whether it might be more economical to invest in a new heater instead.


Addressing Error Code E07 involves meticulous examination and potential replacement of the controller, motherboard, and wiring loom. Prioritize compatibility and follow a systematic diagnostic approach to identify the source of the fault. In some cases, opting for a new heater might be a cost-effective solution compared to replacing individual components. If uncertainties persist, consult with professionals for further guidance and resolution.

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